Sunday, June 10, 2012

Consequentialist I am

Consequentialist I am,
I realize that i tend to be some what of a consequentialist. Meaning that whenever something bad happens to me i usually realize that it was my decision that brought it on. Essay sucked because i did it at two in the morning the night before it was due. That kind of thing. I have learned however that you can only be responsible for the negativity that comes from your actions. A perfect person would have none. However, we cannot be responsible for others actions. Simply put, life sucks because mom and dad broke up. not your fault that they couldn't get along and yet it affects u. However, we can avoid most of the negativity in our lives through careful attention to every action we make. This is possibly the most difficult task that can be put to a human. We do 99% of our duties everyday without much thought. The idea here is to eliminate the sub conscious. Impossible? think again. This is what the Buddha achieved. When asked if he was a god he replied. "No, I am awake." Awake can only mean that he was aware of every single decision he made. Dont panic, im not a Buddhist. however i think that there are some very important lessons that can be learned here.

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